Days are cooler now.
Iced coffee is replaced by hot chocolate, gazpacho by bisque, and
Marc Jacobs "Blush" by Gucci "Rush".
School buses slow our commute.
Children walk in groups, heads bent forward, back packs in tow.
Squirrels scamper about, booty clenched tightly between tiny teeth.
Foliage becomes high fashion, adorning trees and bushes with oranges,
yellows, and reds as timeless as Chanel's, "little black dress".
Geese fly overhead in perfect formation.
Pumpkin spice donuts are available for a limited time.
Walkers wear hats and gloves.
Their dogs wear sweaters.
Chilled rains beat leaves from trees to scatter onto driveways and streets.
Pumpkins and cornstalks adorn lawns.
Smoke rises from chimneys in thin white streams.
The scent of burning leaves snakes through neighborhoods.
Night comes sooner.
A midnight sky canvases twinkling stars, frothy clouds, and a brilliant yellow moon.
Autumn continues her song...