We thank you Lord for blessing us to live beyond
the days when we thought Easter was all about the bunny, colored eggs, candy,
shiny new shoes and white lace gloves.
We thank you for so many Easter
seasons when we listened to spirited sermons and heart felt songs, and then
reflected on
how you had to carry your own cross,
how they offered you vinegar instead of water,
how the first of your two crucifixion
mates mocked you
and the second asked that you would remember him in Heaven,
how the sky grew dark so people could think about what they had done to you,
you asked God to forgive them anyway,
how you died and rose on the third day
(even though as many times as we counted, it was really only two),
the angel rolled away the stone to reveal an empty tomb,
how we could not wait
to get home to ham, potato salad, turkey, dressing,
chocolate cake and sweet
potato pie.
We thank you for Blessing us to live long enough to
understand that it’s not so much about how Judas betrayed you
and Peter
couldn’t believe his own three lies
and that there is no bunny that could
possibly lay eggs,
but how you willingly laid down your life in sacrifice for
our sins
and that it was an “ah-hah” moment when we realized
this made You
the Lamb of God.
We now know that the
number of days between your death on the cross and your rising up is not as
important as the fact that You Arose!
understand the reason for this season is Your Victory over death and what that
means for us as Christians.
We now
understand that though we enjoy having ham, potato salad, turkey, dressing,
chocolate cake and sweet potato pie in celebration,
You are the Bread of Life.
We thank you Father for the gifts of age and
We pray that you will allow us
to continue growing in Your Word as we strive to be more like you, while living
our everyday lives.
But mostly Father, we
thank you for your forgiveness.
It is
proof that you understand our short comings.
We thank you that your promises are kept,
and that your love for us is
infinite and unwavering.
It is in your
precious name that we pray and are able to have faith, Amen.
Mychelle Martin
April 11, 2004