Saturday, July 10, 2010

This Writer's Affliction (Ways to Avoid Writing) -Part One

Yes, it actually exists.  
There are several symptoms of "writer's affliction".  

The first is a need to CREATE THE PERFECT WRITING SPACE.  
I walked through my house with eyes closed, arms outstretched,  in search of the vibe I'd feel when my spirit connected with that space.  
To my wonderment, it was my 'sunny in the morning' kitchen.  

So I immediately began planning to make my bedroom my writing space.  

Large chair with ottoman? 
Chaise lounge?  
Hm mm??
Ah, the chaise lounge.  
Comfortable with plenty of room to stretch my legs and rest the laptop on my lap.
The answer was yes!  
So I bought one, a nice camel color, microfiber job.  
The movers placed it by the window in my bedroom.  
As soon as they left, I plopped down with my laptop and began thinking about what to write.  
Ten minutes in, every part of me connected to that chaise heated up.  
I stood up, cooled off, then sat down to write.  
Five minutes later, the same thing.  
This time I turned on the overhead fan.  
Ten minutes later...heat again with the added attraction of sweat on my forehead!  
Little writing was getting done.  
This saga played itself out day after day until I finally realized, my chaise was igniting "hot flashes". 
I promptly relocated it to my sister's living room and I began my quest for the perfect writing desk.

One week later, I'm in my local furniture store.  
There was a sale (that's Mychelle for "gotta have it").  

Walking through the maze of perfectly planned office scenes, I felt like Goldilocks.  
Some desks were too big,  others too small, and then I found the perfect one.
It was actually made to match my bedroom furniture (surely a sign that this writer was on the right track).  
I gave the salesman my card and arranged delivery for THE desk, and a 'Jeep' office chair. 

One week later, I'm in my bedroom/writing space at my new desk, with the pullout laptop drawer.  
I'm reclined in my 'Jeep' office chair when I hear birds singing through the open windows.  
I feel the breeze blowing through, cooling my warm face, and realize (with no uncertainty) that I need to be outside... 
in nature...
away from claustrophobic rooms and electronic gadgets...
for inspiration.  

So I shut down my laptop, slide closed the pullout drawer, stand, push in my chair, get my purse and head to the nearest bookstore to buy a journal...(to be continued)

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